Certificate in Investor Relations
The Certificate in IR (CIR®) qualification has become a benchmark in the industry, widely recognised in the UK and in other international markets. It is a comprehensive, stretching test of your competency in IR, providing the tools to help you develop your career in the profession.
About the CIR
The Certificate in Investor Relations (CIR®) & International Certificate in IR (ICIR) are internationally recognised qualifications for the investor relations profession.
The qualification allows successful candidates to demonstrate their knowledge of the financial and market environment, the regulatory and reporting requirements for listed companies and their sound understanding of the principles of investor relations, which will enable them to operate competently and safely.
The CIR® is a valuable benchmark for those already in the profession and an essential prerequisite for those seeking to work in investor relations. With more than 2,000 successful candidates from more than 26 countries, the CIR® is firmly established as the leading IR qualification worldwide.
Obtaining the Certificate in IR:
- Provides international recognition as a qualified IR practitioner
- Demonstrates competence and growing expertise
- Enhances career development
Who should sit the CIR®?
It is suitable for anyone working in investor relations or related professions, or considering a move into investor relations, either in the UK or overseas.
The CIR® is a self-study qualification based on the IR Society’s comprehensive CIR® study guide. It is assessed by an examination comprising 60 multiple-choice questions, based on the topics set out in the syllabus.
The International Certificate in IR (ICIR)
We offer an international syllabus of the CIR which captures the essential elements common to international markets. We recommend the CIR for those who either work for, or advise, companies with a UK listing. We recommend the ICIR for all others.
Upcoming exam and Revision Course dates
Click here for a full list of revision course dates.
CIR/ICIR exams are still being held online, alternatively you can attend our offices to sit your exam. Please contact Tara Mitchell to book your exam, either online or in person.
2024 CIR Revision course dates (Version XXI) - in person
Monday 25 November
2024 ICIR Revision course dates (Version XXI) - Online
Wednesday 30th October
What does my CIR/ICIR registration give me?
- Access to a comprehensive CIR or ICIR study guide (in PDF)
- Access to an online mock exam platform to take some practise test papers
- 1 examination sitting – you may book a re-sit of the exam for a small admin fee (£50)
- An exam date and time of your choosing* – the exam can be conducted over zoom, or in person at the IR Society offices
- A 20% discount on selected supporting courses we recommend for your studies
- Access to the monthly Policy Roundup
- A CIR or ICIR certificate when you have passed the exam
- The use of CIR or ICIR, and the relevant logo, after your name to indicate you have passed the qualification.
- Your name and company will appear in our next edition of Informed, our member magazine.
* Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm (UK time)
More information about the CIR®/ICIR
If you have any questions that are not answered by our FAQs in the CIR brochure or if you are interested in working with the IR Society to deliver the CIR/ICIR internationally to multiple candidates please contact: Tara Mitchell, Professional Development Executive, tara.mitchell@irsociety.org.uk